Improve Overall Operation Efficiency
Mini-Load ASRS
Mini-load ASRS (known also as “tote-stacking” and “case-handling”) differ from unit-load systems in terms of the weight they can handle, which is typically around 35 kg. The height of these systems usually does not exceed 40 feet.
Mini-load ASRS allows more storage space and less wasted space.
You can use a mini-load automated storage and retrieval system to store and retrieve cartons, trays, or totes in small-space facilities with many stock keeping units (SKUs).
They are also a good solution if you need to buffer and release products to packing and picking stations.
- Secure inventory that is inaccessible to unauthorized users
- Accurate product handling
- Saves storage footprint by maximizing the vertical space
- Can be applied in harsh/non-ambient environments
- Reliable and maximum machine performance
- Save up to 85% of warehouse space
- Labor reduction by up to 2/3
- Improved inventory control
- Improves picking accuracy to 99.9%
Automatically Store and Retrieve Product from an Engineered Rack System
If you are experiencing floor space challenges, product security and tracking problems, limited accessibility to reliable labor, and are looking to improve your overall operation efficiency, then contact us to learn more about a Mini-Load AS/RS.
Most of the time, a Mini-Load ASRS is used in manufacturing facilities, distribution warehouses and places where there is a need of reduced handling for slow moving items. It is also used where partially consumed product are required to automatically recirculate back in the storage.
Get Your FREE Estimate Today!
CALL: (905) 279-1275
Mini-Load AS/RS for Warehouse Automation
Mississauga, Vaughan, Brampton, North York, Etobicoke, Woodbridge, Oakville and Burlington.